
aka Cherry Blossom ~ psybabe ~ psystorm

Graphic Designer & Illustrator


My Websites

Some project - Click to see more

Holographic rose

Insomnia creation ~

Cherry logo

This is my old logo, but I still use it. Colors can be anything, as long as it matches with the project where I place it. Here few exemples...

Mining Tycoon Eggs

For Easter 2022, I took the initiative to change all in-game box emojis by those eggs in Mining Tycoon Discord bot. Common to legendary, with experience and gift box, with all opened version.

Mining Tycoon Gem

For September 2022, I finished the design of the new official gem of the game (Discord bot) Mining Tycoon, to who I am partner and contributor. We made vote the community of the game to choose the shape, the style and the color of this gem. The purple won, but close in the vote we had the black diamond and the 'sweet candy' shades. At the end, I learned with my partner Chumbed how to animate my art so the new gem is an animated emoji (gif image)

Mining Tycoon Gem2

Here is the new proposition I did for mining tycoon gem, a rainbow diamond-shape animated in flat colors to fit more with others emojis. Then I did non-anim versions in 8 colors and 3 others animated in magenta variations. Players will give their opinion on the final choice.


Here is few sketchs of the psytag, the first version of psybabe & psystorm logo (the second version is the lotus), in the game I tested few things around an height branches star and a lightning. I also made a little animated Gif for my Discord servers.


Psystorm is one of my character in the game, a bot stormer. To With this, I created logos, pictograms for the weather, a website, events, prices, youtube videos and the famous team Criminal Stormers Crew!

Click on the lightning-star logo bellow to visit the official animated psystorm website I built!

(Website last summer 2022 while events)

Cyber Coffee Lovers

This two snakes are psybabe (me) and the NTL bot, from the game More than a year ago, I met this peaceful creature, different than other players, and I was really attracted by it. I found out, just after, that it is a robot! I'm still taking care of this adorable NTL bot: protect, feed, play with and also, represent it in drawings with my character, psybabe the rainbow-angel-snake.

Psychedelic Art

Here some crazy-glitchy-colorful and dark creations I did. I love to use them as background in many situations, like for this website.


J Rémillard
Cherry Blossom
p s y s t o r m
Email: [email protected]
Discord: psystorm.000